Complete Guide on How to do Double Vaginal Penetration
Double Stuffin the Muffin
There’s no way to talk about double stuffin’ the muffin with decorum. We’re filling up the honeypot with a double dose of dicks and there’s no finesse in that… just f*ckin’. Double vaginal penetration or DVP is the stuff that wet dreams are made of, and yet, far too many people have no idea that it’s a thing. But it is – technically, it’s two things.
What Is Double Vaginal Penetration?
Double vaginal penetration is exactly what it sounds like: penetrating a vaginal with two penises, a penis and a dildo, or two dildos. And while filling your muffin with all the stuffin’ you can stuff in, there are a few steps you need to take first to make sure a good time is had by all. When done right, a great romp that makes a good story is the result. After all, anyone who even hears of double vaginal penetration is immediately intrigued, whether they want to try it or not.
What does Double Penetration feel like?
The experience of being double vaginally penetrated by two penises has been considered to be thrilling and filling as if it’s one big dick! Whether you are by yourself, with a partner, or with multiple partners, you can get stuffed with our butt plugs or double-ended dildos to feel stuffed.
Perfection is in the Prep
First things first: an aroused pussy is a flexible one. Having double vaginal penetration means you have to take the time to get really turned on. Have the deep sapiosexual conversation, or have your coochiemates suck on your nipples to get your juices flowing. Ideally, you will have a very comfortable space to spread out so take advantage of experiencing pleasure in various positions.
Alone in the Bedroom? Bring Out Two Dildos
If you are testing out two dildos, lay on your back and have your partner lube the first dildo up and slide in slowly. You want the in and out motion to relax your muscles and further arouse you. When you are ready, have your partner slide the second lubed-up dildo in and out at the same pace. For some, it’s easier to angle dildo 1 downwards and slide dildo 2 upwards but there is no such thing as “normal”. Everyone has a different shaped vagina so go with what feels good with the understanding that side-by-side may be better. Get them in there slowly to give your muscles a chance to relax around the dildo and then start to play with varying depths and rhythms. For some, playing with toys feels good when the rhythm comes from rubbing two dicks inside you at once. You may want opposing friction or you may choose to have them move back and forth simultaneously. For some beginners, having one dildo be stationary while the other moves in and out is more ideal for double vaginal penetration than alternating or matching insertion. For beginners, you can also try double penetrating using a DP dildo with beads (just remember to never double dip the anal beads before venturing with both into the vagina). And for same-sex partners, a double penetration strap-on can simulate the feeling of double penetration with no extra parties or penises involved.
With A Partner: A Dildo & Penis
For double vaginal penetration with one penis and one dildo, the concept is similar to having two dildos. Using lots of lube, insert the dildo first, then have your partner slide in. Hold the dildo in place while your vaginal walls adjust to the stretch, then have your partner start thrusting. After you get going, do whatever feels good. Some people like to twist the dildo back and forth if it’s textured while others like to rub it in and out against the clit. Just be sure to pick a dildo with a lot of texture or a different material like glass for this kind of variety.
Multiple Partners Equals Double Dicking
Double vaginal penetration with two penises takes more consideration, preparation, and lubrication but it’s worth it. First, find people who are comfortable with this position. They need to understand that there will be penis-to-penis friction that will be pleasurable. In this situation, everyone needs to lube up. There are 3 people: Partner A, Partner B, and the receiver. Partner A will lay one their back while the partner with the vagina straddles them laying forward so they are belly to belly. Everyone should relax for a few moments. When ready, Partner B will position themselves behind the receiver so that their legs are on either side of Partner A, but inside the legs of the receiver. Going very slowly, slip inside the receiver inch by inch giving their body time to adjust to the newly stretched size. Once in, rest a moment for everyone to adjust. This is a slow process that requires patience and continual checking in with your sexual partners. When Partner B begins to thrust is when the magic happens. Partner A should lie still, as should the receiver. Too much movement and someone will slip out, causing everyone to start all over again.
Consider Establishing a Safe Word
Before starting with a partner or multiple partners consider establishing a safe word that means too much or you can handle more. This will keep excitement throughout the experience without ruining the moment for anyone involved.
Managing Sex-pectations
There are some things to note about double vaginal penetration in regards to managing expectations. Most important is that Partner A and Partner B can’t both be wearing a condom. It causes too much friction and things get unpleasant fast. Secondly, the tryst may not last long. Because of the intense pleasure, it’s not uncommon for it to last only 2-3 minutes max before someone blasts off. Lastly, the vagina will go back to regular size in a few minutes so DVP doesn’t have to be the fireworks show at the end of the night. It can simply be just one of many positions throughout the evening.
Now that you’re all juiced just thinking about taking two peas in your pod, start preparing your body. Try adding a finger to your next sexy bounce and go from there. You’ll be seeing double in no time.