Get Bound Up with Snuggles: The Best Way to Gift Bondage Bearz Plushie
Bear-y Kinky
So you have a bear kink, huh? Nothing sexier than a hefty, soft-bodied furry guy next to you, right? The only thing that makes it better is adding a healthy side of BDSM. A leather bear is EVERYONE’s fantasy at some point or another and we have you covered… in leather and studs.
Meet the Bondage Bearz! This collection of tough teddies are all decked out in leather and studs and feature the best bondage gear that is perfectly suited for their cute and kinky play. These adorable little guys will make the toughest dom squeal with happiness. The growing Bondage Bearz family includes Bound Up Billy Shibari, Gary Gag Ball, Charlie Chains, Freddy Flogger, Sal the Slave, and Gimpy Glen. Collect them all for your dungeon, display them where they can help get the BDSM conversation rolling, and give them as gifts. Who doesn’t love a cuddly kinkster?
Which of the Bondage Bearz matches your kink-sonality?
Bound Up Billy Shibari
Billy spent a year backpacking through Asia after college trying to find himself. After getting acclimated to the local kink scene over the summer, he began working with shibari ropes; learning knots, harnesses, and rope safety. While on a particularly muggy night, Billy found himself in the back of a play party truly Bound Up. He was practicing his knots on himself and got stuck. A master of knots saw his very silly mistake and decided to teach him a lesson. That night, Billy found out how much he loved to sub. Being rope bound in glistening humid weather where even the sweat running across his nipples made him rock hard - and he didn’t have permission. No one has ever met the real Bound Up Billy, but legend has it that Bondage Bearz holds the spirit of his kink in the form of the bodacious Bound Up Billy Shibari.
Gary Gag Ball
Ray is a politician by day, and you know it because he never shuts up. Always talking his way into or out of something, this motor mouth is annoying to EVERYONE. A genuinely nice guy with a body that makes him a poster boy for Pilates, Ray is the vanilla life. He lives in a suburban bungalow with his sweet-natured wife Lorna, a labrador, a beagle, and an Audi. He takes matcha instead of coffee in the mornings and doesn’t listen to music on his way into the office so he can practice press conference speeches. For lunch every day, he has a medium-rare 14 oz. prime rib steak in his office where he takes up the lunch hour of all his administrative staff posturing and giving directives. They wish he would just shut up. So does the parking lot attendant. And the cashier at the Pay n’ Save where he grabbed tomatoes for the night’s dinner. When Ray walked in his front door, he began chatting about nothing at all when Lorna seductively slid up behind him and put a ball gag in his mouth. She thinks he talks too much as well. She calls him Gary Gag Ball to humiliate him and tonight, she’s taking it up a notch by throwing tomatoes at him. She had sent a Bondage Bearz replica of him to his office to remind him to get all of his blabbering out before he comes home. Today, he failed, so tonight, he has to pay.
Freddy Flogger
Jesse is a ballet dancer and it’s obvious by the way his lithe muscular body glides everywhere he goes. Standing at barely 5’7”, Jesse appears unthreatening, especially with his soft eyes and tender curls spilling over his brows. He always has a smile for you and is incredibly helpful to his classmates. A strong competitor, Jesse has plié-d his way to the front lines of his dance academy and has scored the principal role in the senior production. He’s very proud of himself and excited about his accomplishments, but he manages to contain his expressions into the graceful demeanor he’s known for. Jesse had to fight hard for the respect of his teachers and peers. While everyone else was able to get a sufficient scholarship, Jesse got a side gig as a dom’s assistant his first year in college. Graduation isn’t his only next big step. He’s just become a dom in his own right, and the night after his thesis performance, he has his first client who simply knows him as Freddie. By morning, his new simp will know him as Freddie the Flogger. He’s got everything he needs in his duffle bag because tonight – in every way possible – he is on top.
Gimpy Glen
Sam is a pale, quiet, wormy guy who works in accounting at one of the biggest corporate firms in the city. His desk is a mess, his shirt always has stains, and he hasn’t cleaned his glasses – or his car – in six months. He lives on a diet of fast food and delivery and his skin tells the tale. He hasn’t been on a date since prom and his own mother rarely calls him. She’s out living her best life while Sam spends his time loathing. He’s a good accountant, but he’s everyone’s lackey. Twelve years at the firm and all of his peers have either been promoted or moved on to better positions elsewhere. He’s still in the same position with nearly the same pay. Sam doesn’t have the balls to stand up for himself. He can’t even look at himself in the mirror. Sam is deeply ashamed because, for all of his sharp brain and mathematical wizardry, he has a micropenis. He had been humiliated at prom when he tried to score with his date. She merely laughed and took a picture and told him to never speak to her in public again. He’s pretty sure she never showed the picture to anyone, but she laughed out loud every time she saw him. It made him feel like crap but over time, he looked forward to her laughs. He still had a huge crush on her.
Over the years, having someone laugh at his micropenis became a huge turn-on. He began hiring Sasha who was a mistress specializing in CBT. Not only did she laugh at him, but she would slap and smush his cock with a hatred that mirrored his own. One night, Sasha made Sam cry and that was the first time he felt a sense of relief. It was like a vacation from being him. He began to cry every session and Sasha got fed up with him and made him wear a gimp mask. This way he was free to make all his ugly, pimply crying faces that brought him peace, and she could humiliate his micropenis as she pleased. He was no longer a person. Just a small dick and it made the both of them so happy. Changing his name to Gimpy Glen, Sasha would use his collar to dog walk him through the dungeon so everyone could see his little bitty tiny dick. She became so fond of treating him like the trash he is, that she added Gimpy Glen to her collection of Bondage Bearz. He won’t ever tell her, but that made him feel as good as crying.
Each of the Bondage Bearz come with its own mask. Standing at about 8” tall, each precious plushie is in a display box ready to play. Find your masochistic match to cuddle or display. There are other kink-sonalities of the Bondage Bearz. Get to know them all, collect them all, and give them all as gifts… or reminders!